Technical enthusiast looking to buy first Apple // systems.
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~ Est. 1999 ~
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© 1999-2999 Tom Owad
Prepared to pay market value - I have researched prices. Looking for system and/or individual components.Please advise shipping weight (including packaging) for USPS Priority Mail International estimate to Postcode 2505 AUSTRALIA.
Will likely pay by physical International Money Order (Western Union), or if possible, VISA card. I DO NOT USE PAY PAL! Am interested in prototyping and engineering DAQ/control applications cards.
All prices USD.
A. //gs
1. Not interested in monitor or printer
2. //gs system with 3.5" and 5.25" floppy drive; KB/M
3. Must be ROM 2 (at least 1MB RAM) or ROM 3
4. RAM card for extended memory
5. Other cards with system will be considered first
6. 220 V power supply
7. Not interested in games or general applications i.e. AppleWorks, WP/DB/SS, etc.
8. Looking for ORCA/M C compiler and ORCA/M Assembler or Opus ][ ORCA/M bundle (cheaper than usually available from retailer), and development tools.
*** Have seen complete systems on ePay with monitor, drives, system software and manuals and extras go for $70-$100***
B. //e
Various cards seria,printer, etc $2-$35