Warranty Information

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Last seen: 20 years 1 month ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 20
Warranty Information

So it has finally happened...my powerbook needs service, I've dreaded this day since I've bought the thing. So its looking like its the battery for some reason it wont charge unless i pop it in and out a couple times..but then it only charges for about 10 seconds then kicks out. Tried it on another powerbook and let it sit with the battery inside of it for 2 hours the whole time it said 0% then took it out..put it in mine and its dead, pop it in and out a couple times...and now its full... (whats going on here) so i shutdown my machine and go home...now the battery is dead !

Gave the folks at apple a call to find out what my options are, cause i still am with in my warranty. well the tech tells me its going to have to be looked at by a apple service rep in my area, thats cool no worries to me..but i ask him this wouldn't happen to be anything like the first batch of ipods are having with their battery cause i know someone else that had the some problem with the their PW. right then and there i thought it was over, the agent on the phone took it as almost a threat with a demanding reply " there is nothing wrong with our products " easy killer don't get hyped up over some company secrets.

Anyways to make a long story short I've been told mixed information about the warranty of the battery, Apple US says 6 months, Apple Canada says 3 months ( do they only expect the battery cells to last 3 months ?) anybody happen to know what the real answer here is ???