So I've had my macbook (2.4 core2duo, 10.5.2) for a few weeks now, lately if it has been closed while on battery power and then woken up the power icon in the menu bar flashes. It jumps between the power plug icon (for when its plugged in) and the battery icon. It seems to be randomly timed and theres nothing near the magsafe port. Any ideas? It stops flashing if plugged in or restarted.
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• Disconnect the Magsafe adapter
• Remove the battery
• Press and hold the power button for 10 seconds
• Put everything back together & restart
Watch the machine for a couple days and report back
Thanks, just what I needed.
Turns out it's still doing this after resetting the pmu multiple times. It doesn't really affect anything except for knowing how much battery life I have left, but it is quite odd.
Also, updated to 10.5.4 and it's still doing it. Any ideas?
There are a few possible points of failure here. From the wall to the battery, you have:
• Power cord or duckhead adapter
• Power adapter with Magsafe cable
• Magsafe board
• Logic board
• Battery cable
• Battery
The power cord (or duckhead), power adapter, and battery are easy enough to swap out from another MacBook (one at a time, of course) to determine which, if any, of these parts is to blame. Any friends, family, coworkers you could borrow from for an hour or so? Is there a school, college or university nearby that might be willing to help?
The Magsafe board, battery cable and (heaven forbid) logic board can only be swapped out by an Apple or Apple-authorized technician without voiding your warranty. But if this machine is as new as it sounds, you should have plenty of warranty left if one of these parts has failed. Try the things you can, then contact Apple to get the machine looked at.
I'm thinking that the only hardware it could be is the magsafe board as it only does this when it is running off battery. I'll bring it into apple before I start opening it up, its starting to remind me of my wallstreet powerboard issues! Is there anything else that can be reset? I haven't really gotten to know the intel macs as well as I knew the g3-g5 era machines, so let me know if theres a common sense trick that I might be missing here.
It still could also be the battery cable (poor connection? short circuit?), the logic board (bad power management?), the battery (smart circuitry bad?), or the power adapter (maybe not supplying proper amperage or voltage to the machine?). There are too many variables. If you have a way to try a different power adapter and/or battery, at least you could *eliminate* these as possible culprits.
You're under warranty. *DO NOT OPEN IT UP.*
Nothing more to reset that you haven't already tried. Try swapping in some user-changeable parts (power adapter, battery) to see if the behavior changes. Failing that, you have an internal component problem that only Apple or a certified tech can fix.
Just a little more info incase anyone has ideas. I can't be without it currently, so no sending it in yet. I've also been getting odd color bars across the screen similar to when my ibook 700 logic board failed, so not looking to good right now.