Hi there. Just received an Applie IIe, bought from Ebay, no monitor, no disk drive, no software.
I plugged the RCA video cable into my TV. Turned it on.
I got the video test pattern in colors and nothing else.
I hear repeating beeps (5 rapid ones in a series) and nothing else displayed on the screen except the video test pattern.
I pressed Control Reset, Control - Open Apple - Reset to no avail.
Is this unit Dead-On-Arrival or do I need something else?
Please help! Sorry if I'm reposting or asking newbie questions here ...
Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
I will sell you an Apple IIgs with keyboard, mouse, 3.5 inch disk drive, some software, and a 5.25 inch disk drive if you want. If you're interested, give me a price you would want to buy it for. If you want a monitor, I will sell you a green monochrome one along with it, for a little extra cost. If you're interested, give me a price and I'll see if it's worth it. Thanks.
Sorry about this double-post. I clicked post twice instead of once. This is an edit.
Oh I forgot to mention, the IIgs, is BRAND NEW out of the original box, really. It's very nice. So is the keyboard and mouse.
Can someone tell me please whether an Apple IIe can boot into ROM or whether it only boots from floppy disk?
Also, can I use its composite video as is with a TV?
This is an honest request for help, so a real answer would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks ahead of time,
The 5 beeps probably means something went bad on power-up. The IIe will normally just beep once. The Apple will attempt to boot from the floppy if the controller card is plugged in. Control reset should get you to the prompt.
Try removing all extra cards and make sure all the ICs are seated properly. If that fixes the issue plug things back in one at a time.
You can also try running the self test. Hold down the control and solid apple keys and then press and release the reset key. The display will change from black to white a couple times and print OK if the test passes.
The keyboard cable was loose. Works like charm now
Thanks for the suggestion, Mike.