4GB SCSI for Performa 460

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Hokusai's picture
Last seen: 6 months 1 week ago
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4GB SCSI for Performa 460

I've finally got around to fully upgrading my Performa 460 with a 'new' 4GB SCSI hard drive. The problem is, it doesn't want to boot from it.

I started off by copying everything from the Performa 460's 80MB drive to a 100MB ZIP disk. Then, after formatting the 4GB drive to HFS Standard in a 8500, I copied everything over to it (this included the system folder from the 80MB drive). I put the 4GB into Performa 460 and nothing happens. Well, it does show the flashing question mark floppy icon meaning it can't find a startup volume. The light on the drive does show access right before it declares it can't find anything to boot from.

Am I missing something? I had to format the 4GB with the 8500 because I have no external case with which to connect it to the Performa.

MaxTek's picture
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Is the system folder on the n

Is the system folder on the new drive blessed? In other words is it showing the correct icon. The folder icon for a system folder has another smaller icon in the middle of the folder icon.

If it isn't blessed sometimes booting from a startup cd or floppy and taking out the system file from the offending non-blessed system folder to the desktop and than just dragging it back in will bless the system folder (change the icon to the correct one) and than you can boot from it.

This happens a lot when you copy a whole drive from one to another in the old world operating system.

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SCSI settings?

Are you confident that your SCSI settings are right? I installed an extra drive on a 9600, and it wouldn't boot from it, thought it would show up as a volume in OS 9, and OS X, till I got the SCSI settings right. If I remember right, it was the SCSI numbers, in my case, I had used a number reserved for CD-ROM, and though everything worked, when the system booted, it wouldn't boot from the CD-ROM or the HD.

Hokusai's picture
Last seen: 6 months 1 week ago
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I can't work on it anymore as I'm about to get ready to head off to work (overnight sucks). But, I do hope to work on it some more tomorrow.

I'm pretty sure when I finished copying over stuff to the 'new' drive, the system folder was indeed blessed. I'll probably hook it back up to make sure, though.

As far as the SCSI settings, I'm not too sure on that. I have no jumpers in the ID block because I have to look around for some of the smaller jumpers (as opposed to those used on ATA hard drives, etc). I'm not sure what ID it defaults to when there are no jumpers present. I'll see about this too tomorrow.

Jon's picture
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No jumpers (ID 0) should be f

No jumpers (ID 0) should be fine for the boot drive. Are able to boot from a floppy and see the drive? If the drive is working fine in every way other than the System folder it should be accessible.

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The Performa 460 is a 68030 M

The Performa 460 is a 68030 Mac so it won't boot off a 4GB volume. You'll need to partition it so that the boot volume is 2GB (slightly less recommended).

Hokusai's picture
Last seen: 6 months 1 week ago
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I've heard that the size of drive is actually dependent on the Mac OS being run. Since I'm using 7.5.3, I should be good for a 4GB, one partition, drive.

If all else fails, I may try partitioning into 2 partitions to see if it works then.

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
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I'd go with the blessed syste

I'd go with the blessed system question first. I think I remember having that problem once long ago when I used a zip disk to transfer a system. Diskwarrior would solve that problem.

Jon's picture
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I know ax0n has had a 4Gb or

I know ax0n has had a 4Gb or 9GB drive in his SE/30 before, but I'm unsure about the partition layout.

dankephoto's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
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68K max 2GB boot partition size

On a PPC machine you're limited by OS, not drive size, but on your 68K machine you're stuck with a 2GB boot partition size limit. Once booted into your 7.5.x, you'll be able to work with larger volumes.

dan k

Hokusai's picture
Last seen: 6 months 1 week ago
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Well, after getting off work for my 'weekend', I decided to give the Performa another crack. I partitioned the 4GB drive with a boot partition at 1.6GB then I made sure the drive was properly terminated. It still didn't mount so I made a startup floppy with SCSIProbe on it to see what was going on.

The drive, after a little more fiddling with termination, did manage to show up. Though, once I clicked the Mount button for it, I got a warning telling me that a 68040 or PowerPC is needed to mount 4GB or larger volumes. So, I guess that's it.

I'll probably just take the 2GB out of the 8500 laying around here and just use it.

Thanks for all of your help, though. I suppose 2GB will have to do ;).

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