If at the Applesoft Basic prompt, I enter a single digit and hit return will it give me a syntax error? Will it also give me a beep?
What about if I typed a single letter at the prompt. Will this cause a syntax error with a beep in all cases?
I am asking this in order to test an Apple II computer. Thanks for the replies
No error and no beep. Doing this removes that line specified by the number from any Applesoft program in memory.
Assuming that the return key works, yes.
Do you have this Apple II in your hands yet, or are you still pestering an eBay seller? If it's in your hands, well... why not just get a monitor, for crying out loud? ;^) Even the *very cheapest* TV set you can buy these days will have a composite video input port or two.
Do you still have a VCR in your home entertainment system? (Or a DVD recorder? A stand-alone TiVo/DVR, even?) It'll almost certainly have a composite input port on the back which will work just fine as well, if you're out of suitable inputs directly on your TV.
Will have it in my hands in a few days...
I will have to perform some TLC on 3-4 keys of the keyboard.
Someone here had a posting about how to fix keyboard problems on older Apples.