At work we have a 933MHz Ibook G4 (640Mb RAM, 10.4.11) which occasionally freezes, for no obvious reason.
On a normal day it will repeatedly freeze within 5 minutes of starting up in the morning, sometimes during startup, then it will be fine all day. The keyboard and mouse become unresponsive, and the only way to 'resolve' the matter is to do a restart.
Any ideas what could be causing this because it is still a good machine to work on, or,.....Is it perhaps faulty ram or something sinister??
Many thanks in adance.
IIRC that may be the beginning of problems with the GPU separating from the logic board. let everyone else chime in on this though, I've got a g4 ibook 1ghz that's been a real trooper since it was made. I know that putting a shim into the ibook somehow or getting the gpu professionally reflowed are two fixes i've seen used. anywho, looking forward to responses from other people who aren't on two hours of sleep
Sounds like either some faulty RAM or the GPU issue. I shimmed my iBook G3, and once I finally put all of the case screws back in, it works like a charm. However, I do not know if the G4 can be shimmed in the same way, I think the GPU is on the other side of the board.
First thing I would check is the RAM. Maybe try a known-good stick out of another iBook?
Thanks for the response guys.
I will check the RAM option first obviously, before I think about stripping it to pieces!
I will keep you posted.