Beige G3 side panel broken :(

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Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago
Joined: Mar 28 2008 - 12:01
Posts: 11
Beige G3 side panel broken :(

Recently I damaged side panel from my G3 beige. By damn accident... Well, the question is what will happen with my G3 if it'll be working without side panel? Are there any places where I could find spare case parts and all that? Thanks for concern.

Last seen: 15 years 9 months ago
Joined: Jan 13 2007 - 19:57
Posts: 208
Not sure . . .


Not sure what you mean by "side panel"? My Beige G3 has a cover that seems to be one piece. How did you damage it?


tmtomh's picture
Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 568
I'm guessing the OP has a bei

I'm guessing the OP has a beige G3 minitower, not a desktop. But I could be wrong.


Hawaii Cruiser's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 week ago
Joined: Jan 20 2005 - 16:03
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He must mean the minitower

He must mean the minitower side panel which I leave off sometimes when I'm running my Beige G3. If anything, the Beige probably runs cooler with it off. That minitower was based on the design of the Powermac 8600/9600 towers but those two previous towers had their large main case fan mounted on the side panel so it could blow directly on the processor and other close components, so the side panel needed to be in place when the machine was on. The Beige tower is shorter than those previous cases so that the frame with the optical drives and PSU which folds out covers the ZIF processor when in place and the PSU fan operates as the processor cooler replacing the function of the fan on the side panels of the 8600/9600, so the Beige side panel does nothing but cover that side. If it can't be fixed and you can't find a replacement cheaply, and you feel the need to have your G3 covered on all six sides, then there's the other option of transferring the motherboard to a PC case. The Beige can run on an PC ATX PSU simply by flicking a switch on its motherboard. That would also give you space to mount a decent fan on top of the ZIF heat sink for assured cooling. That's a lot of work for such an old motherboard, but we all get our jollies somehow, I reckon.

See here:

Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago
Joined: Mar 28 2008 - 12:01
Posts: 11
It's minitower version

That's what I wanted to hear. Many thanks for your answers, guys!

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