Dose anyone know of a Postfix Enabler alternative? I can't seem to find one and I don't feel like paying $10 for something I need for testing purposes. So if anyone has any ideas leave them here!
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Postfix is already installed on OS X, it's a fairly "stock" setup (which means for the most part the extensive library of UNIXy documentation and howtos out there for it apply), and there are dozens of "MacOS Hints"-sort of articles out there for tweaking the Mac-specific parts of it. All "Postfix Enabler" provides is a GUI for a few of the more trivial configuration file directives.
Of course, if the lack of a GUI is *the* sticking point $10 seems pretty reasonable to me. (Considering Macintosh users are used to paying $30 for trivial shareware device drivers, user interface hacks, and whatnot.) If you want *free* GUI programs they tend to live inside Linux distributions. ;^b
That is true. But maby Ill buy it.![Beee](
$10 for a GUI isn't expensive by any means, but command-line management and configuration of Postfix isn't difficult. If anything, it's excellent learning for if you ever need to manage it on another, non-OS X system (e.g. FreeBSD).
Postfix, The Definitive Guide
I just love O'Reilly... makes the inscrutable... uh... scrutable.![Wink](
I appreciate you bringing up Postfix Enabler as I am looking into setting up mail server(s) and email related services. I am currently wading into the fine manuals, so maybe paying the $9.99 for this little tool might help if I was running Tiger.
I'm looking into ubuntu to set up my Mail server I just have to find an empty PC that i can set up and leave alone.