I want load some Games or other Software to my Apple IIe using the Tape input.
Is there a site at the web that have MP3 or WAV soundfiles of Apple II Software Tapes to download?
Apple II Games/Software Tapefiles at the web using MP3 or Wav tone
February 28, 2008 - 1:21pm
Apple II Games/Software Tapefiles at the web using MP3 or Wav tone
You can try ADTPro. But you will need to find Disk image files not Mp3 files. http://adtpro.sourceforge.net/ it lets you do image transfers through the audio ports on your host computer to the tape ports on the apple II. Setup information is avalible on there site.
I don't know of any "repository" of tape files, the way there is for Commodore users. Maybe it's because the Apple II community went so quickly and completely to disks.
If you come across any, you can of course send them directly. The CiderPress program can decode the digital audio and put it on a virtual disk image, too.
Of note - you don't want the lossy MP3, because it destroys part of what the Apple listens for in the compression process. Stick with WAV. This thread might be of interest, too:
For posterity - I now know of one. Antoine Vignau of BrutalDeluxe has been working on this library for some time: