256Meg DDR 333 memory and.........

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Posts: 284
256Meg DDR 333 memory and.........

Been File cabinet cleaning and found these.

4 200pin 256meg DDR 333 ram sticks that work in the lamp shade iMacs and the G4 PowerBooks. these were pulled from working machines. $35.00 for all four includes shipping

A Newer Tech BookEndz. I believe this works with the wallstreet powerbooks. It does not work on my Lombard as there is an extra connector that my Lombard does not have. $28.50 Shipped

Powerbook Duo car power adaptor. This made by Lind Electronics. I will probably work on more than one powerbook. $15.00 shipped.

An AC adaptor for powerbook 5300. Its known to be a working power brick. $15.00 includes shipping.

and last but not least A AC adaptor for a powerbook the Kanga, 3400, 1400 and all of the Duo's. Its known to be a working power brick
$15.00 shipped
PM me, All shipping is via USPS priority mail....... I do paypal