I went thrift shopping today and found a unique item. A "Vidtech 80/64 Video Card" for the Apple IIe, still in it's original packaging and shrink wrap. I googled a bit and couldn't find anything. Same story for eBay. The description on the box reads "80 Column Video Card with 64K Memory for the APPLE IIe Computer" I don't dare open it until I know what I've got, so I can't describe the card at all. If anyone's at all familiar with this item, I'd like to hear about it.
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I think I had one of those (same brand and model) once.
Anyway this sounds like it is analogos to the Apple brand 128k/80 column cards. They work with Apple IIe's to double the computers memory from 64k to 128k RAM, and the video from 40 to 80 column text, and double Hi-Res graphics become available.
Additonally, some of these non-Apple branded cards added features such as RGB signal output, which I thought this one you mentioned has, but I'm not sure.
Well, it sounds like my 5 bucks wasn't to blindly spent then. I'm still not sure if I wan't to open the package and ruin what collectibility it may have.
[b]Logan Tong[/b] :coolmac:
L Tong;
As a collector of antique and classic other stuff (motorcycles,
boats, toys and trains, just to name a few) my opinion FWIW is
that the items were made to be used. As long as they are cared
for properly and not mistreated they will still remain collect-
ible. I really don't think that computer gear will reach the
same levels of collectibility as some other artifacts (but I
may be wrong on this one) due to the fact that there are/were
so many of the articles made and sold and used. Computers are
more like appliances like TVs and Vacuum Cleaners. Yes, there
are appliance collectors, but there is not a wide market for the
items like there is for old furniture, vehicles or even toys. So
I don't think you would lose that much value by using your card.
Plus, you get the enjoyment out of seeing and old piece of equip-
ment still doing what it was built to do, maybe even a few things
that it couldn't do "back in the day".
It's ultimately your decision, but I think you would enjoy your
new-found item more by actually tinkering with it and running a
piece of software with it.
Some people march to a different drummer... I have a 52-piece orchestra playing just for me!
If you do, in fact, open and use your new acquisition, save
all of the original packaging, manuals, instructions, etc.
Even if the item is removed and used...as long as it has its
original box and accessories it will command a top-of-the-line
price when/if you sell it as a collector item.
Some people march to a different drummer... I have a 52-piece orchestra playing just for me!
I scanned the unopened box for reference.
[b]Logan Tong[/b]