Why is Windows XP 64 bit more stable than OS X on my Mac Pro

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Why is Windows XP 64 bit more stable than OS X on my Mac Pro

I have had sooooo many crashes and freezes with OS X... How many with XP 64?

ZERO. XP 64 bit is the most stable operating system I have ever used. Mac OS is just garbage on my Mac Pro. I am in Windows right now, because I can't stand OS X on this machine.

Running Tiger by the way.

davintosh's picture
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What's Crashing?

Is it the whole machine, the Finder or 3rd party apps that crash on you? In my experience, it's usually 3rd party apps that cause the most problems. The OS itself never crashes unless there is a hardware or disk structure problem (or hardware that doesn't meet the OS's sometimes overly picky tastes). I've bought memory sticks that would not work in a Mac no way no how, but they worked fine in a PC.

I'm using a G4 PowerBook, and it's been over three weeks since I restarted, and that was only because I shut it down to install more memory in it.

chris501's picture
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just another forum troll... and windows fanboy. im sorry, but i use my mac 8 or more hours a day, 5 days per week. i leave it running from monday til friday and never ever have any crashes or the need for rebooting...

move on to a windows forum and advertise there, fanboy.

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he's been on this forum for a

he's been on this forum for a while if i recall... not very nice thing to say to him or about him...

eeun's picture
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Re: troll

just another forum troll...

Anhaedra's been a member of Applefritter for over two years.

Click on a user name, and you'll see how long someone's been a member. It'll also give you the option of tracking their posts.
I think you owe someone an apology...

Dr. Webster's picture
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Re: troll

just another forum troll... and windows fanboy. im sorry, but i use my mac 8 or more hours a day, 5 days per week. i leave it running from monday til friday and never ever have any crashes or the need for rebooting...

move on to a windows forum and advertise there, fanboy.


Chill. And it's a little hypocritical to be calling someone on these forums a "Windows fanboy," considering most here are Apple "fanboys." Other people are entitled to their opinions, no matter how much they differ from yours.

That said, the OP isn't helping much by starting a thread saying "Why does Mac OS suck compared to Windows?" That's a pretty general statement. System reliability (or rather, perceived reliability) greatly varies from machine to machine. I have Windows boxes at work that are very stable, while others need daily reboots, and I've seen the same with Macs. Hardware, 3rd party software, and even the length of time since the OS was installed are all factors. Give both OS's a fresh reload, and then see how the reliability is.

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Re: troll

That said, the OP isn't helping much by starting a thread saying "Why does Mac OS suck compared to Windows?" That's a pretty general statement. System reliability (or rather, perceived reliability) greatly varies from machine to machine.

Indeed. There are so many factors involved in determining the "reliability" of a desktop system that you're bound to find as many different opinions about a given OS'es stability as there are users. For example, I'm someone who thinks MacOS 9 "sucks" because I've never been able to use it for "serious work" for more then an hour without programs crashing or the entire machine hanging and/or dropping to the debugger (And this is on any Mac I've used it on). But apparently there are people out there who use it for weeks straight without problems. Maybe they're blessed with very selective amnesia and simply don't remember it blowing up in their face four times a day. Maybe they're running different software then I was. Maybe the moon is in the second house and Jupiter's aligned with Mars every time I sit down in front of MacOS 9. Whatever.

Anyway, all I can say is from the experience I've gleaned from overhearing the Mac Pro users around the office is that the Mac Pro might indeed be a little bit more troublesome under Tiger then your average Mac. The general impression one gets from Apple's software QA efforts over the last year or so is "overworked", and the Mac Pro being a relatively low volume machine probably suffers for it. I'd personally wait until 10.5.2 comes out and then do a clean reinstall and see if it does any better. Tiger isn't really a "64 bit clean" OS on x86 and I suspect that may be the cause of some of the problems people see on machines with 4GB or more of RAM.


Last seen: 15 years 2 months ago
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Yeah I was just pretty pissed

Yeah I was just pretty pissed off when I made this thread. I think it was actually my northbridge overheating, it runs very very hot. (90c)

I have turned up the fans a bit and it is now at 41c, so I hope that helps.

And yes Chris501, I like Windows, so what? I also like Macs.

Ranger One's picture
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XP 64

I liked XP-64 when I tried it a couple of years ago on my AMD-64's. But the biggest issue I run into was availability of drivers and softwares. I couldn't find Java VM if my life depended on it. I have to run 32-bits Java and apps. In such case, I might as well go back to XP-32... which I did.

Has it improved in the last 2 years? Since MS moved onto Vista. I think XP-64 is becoming a forgotten venture.

BTW, the most reliable Mac I ever used was a PM7500(which was one of the worst machine I have even used when I first got it). Over a year of so of weeding out the bad parts. It become the most reliable machine running OS8.6. I really missed it when I moved onto my G5-1.8. Which is much faster, but slightly less reliable.

chris501's picture
Last seen: 15 years 1 week ago
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guess what?

i use windows at home... lol !!! that wasn't meant to flame you, sorry. but at first look i thought u just wanted to complain about what works for me every day 9 hours long. i still think windows / microsoft has to go a long way until it will be on a lvl with the mac.


Last seen: 15 years 2 months ago
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It has improved very much, in

It has improved very much, in my opinion. I never had a problem finding drivers for it, except some old PCI TV Tuner card. I will never use Vista...

Last seen: 15 years 2 months ago
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Haha I just got my third full

Haha I just got my third full system freeze from Adium I believe... This is on a Leopard install from about three weeks ago.

Last seen: 15 years 2 months ago
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Haha I just got my third full

Haha I just got my third full system freeze from Adium I believe... This is on a Leopard install from about three weeks ago.

Last seen: 15 years 2 months ago
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Posts: 126
Got my fifth one. Looks like

Got my fifth one. Looks like I'm wiping my hard drives and installing XP.

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