Good filesharing server software

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Good filesharing server software

Before anybody says anything, the fileserver thing I'm setting up is completley private for me and friends only. It's so we can trade songs (from our own bands), writings, videos, pictures, and have a private chat. The server will be my Starmax (220Mhz, 144MB RAM, OS 9.1 or 8.x if it's gonna work better, which I bet it will), so I can't do anything OS X based at least for now, until I get another X-capable machine for a server.

I like Haxial's KDX, but I have to pay for that, and with my current monatary situation and long list of computer upgrades needed, shelling out $25 (I think) for some software isn't likley (my band really needs a new drumset, so just about all spending is out, really). I'll probably end up with a Hotline server, but I'd rather it not be listed for privacy and security reasons. Does anybody know of a good filesharing server software that is multiplatform, is free (client and server), and is fast and reasonably secure? I'm not expecting any attacks, but I'd rather it be private.



g3head's picture
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Why no X

The abilities of OS X are going to far exceed whatever you can do with classic. If its just a server then it should run OS X.1 (installed with XPF) well enough. If you have access to OS X then IMO, its worth a shot.

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A bunch of guys in my car clu

A bunch of guys in my car club use a program called WASTE.

Dr. Bob

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Windows only

WASTE is Windows only, unfortunately.

James M. Baker
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WASTE of time

I read about WASTE, and if I was really serious about this whole thing, I'd definatley just score an old PC off of a friend and run that, but I don't really think I'm going to bother with it until this summer when there's actually need for it. Oh well.


The day after tomorrow is the third day of the rest of your life.

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There is a mac os x client too. Keep searching.

Dr. Bob

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That's cool.

It must be fairly new. At least new as in sometime in the last couple of months. I kind of stopped paying attention to it soon after it's inception and resurection due to the lack of Mac support. I have a PC, but I barely ever use it, so it was kind of WASTEd (sorry) on me...

James M. Baker
Computer Nerd
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I've been using HotLine 1.2.3

I've been using HotLine 1.2.3 server for years and it's a simple, stable and reliable filesharing/chat suite. I use a different-than-normal port (port 9500 - runs on my ol' PM9500 Smile and don't list on any tracker. I also run a Carracho server, a very nice and full-featured but requires Mac OS 9 or up for server _and_ clients, so not good for those using other OSes.

HL 1.2.3 is pretty barebones though, compared to some of the newer server/client/tracker suites. Nice thing about HL though is it's an open protocol and one can find all sorts of clients out there with added new features which still interface nicely with such an old version of HL.

Dan K

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You could have a look at ht

Perhaps you could use os x on it after all

(You would then have the possibility of using Wired wich is free and nicer to look at than KDX)

I would not have to high hopes, but it is worth looking into.

AG-Wolf's picture
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X on a Starmax 220mhz is not

X on a Starmax 220mhz is not gonig to get you anywhere, unless you plan on upgrading the machine to a g3...and even then you may not be able to (On my 6500, I have a g3 upgrade card, but it's physically impossible to get X to run on it, due to the way the upgrade functions)

not quite sure what you're looking to do TOTALLY, but for fileserving in anything below X, why not use Netpresenz? It has HTTP, FTP and other capabilities, you can set permission and directory privledges with the OS' built in Users & Groups and File Sharing control panels... it's what a friend of mine and I used on the SE/30 webserver we made... worked fine, never had a problem with it. It even keeps a timestamped log of pretty much everything that goes on... the only thing you DONT see is how LONG it takes to upload/download something.

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