After updating software a message that some of the down load was in the trash. The download included the 10.4 latest update.
Asked for a restart and after boot to remove part of the update from the trash and try to download again.
After hitting restart mac froze. Pressed power button and shut down mac.
Restarted and got the apple gray screen and the spinning wheel.
Tried disk repair from installation disc. Tried control v and s and got the cursor but will not accept leyboard strokes.
Any ideas?
Seems like the system software may be corrupted.
Can you reinstall the system software without losing data.
There is an option to reinstall without a complete erasure.
Apple and spinning wheel after software update
November 22, 2007 - 9:48am
Apple and spinning wheel after software update
What about just going into safe mode (pressing shift at startup)? What machine are you using? I've never owned an Intel Mac, so I'm curious to know, do updates trash parts that are needed only for Powermacs or some strange thing like that? I don't remember having a case where parts of an update download ended up in the trash.
I had the same problem with my iMac G5. The only thing I could do to fix it was to reinstall. I also tried the disk repair DVD to see if there was anything wrong; a few minor problems were flagged and fixed but this did not solve it.
Hawaii Cruiser: I thought that there were specific software updates for both the Intel and PowerPC Macs without the need to trash unneeded files.
Yes, that's what I would expect. Of course, some updates trash old parts that are being replaced, but I don't understand how parts of an update itself can end up in the trash. I've never encountered that happening before (maybe I've just been lucky?), which is why I'm wondering if this is an Intel update phenomenon, or perhaps, this is an improper attempt to update an Intel Mac with software meant specifically for PowerPC. It hasn't been stated, but I'm assuming this is an Intel Mac since the question is in the Intel Mac forum.
I should have read the content of the message more closely but it did say something about restarting and reloading the part that had be sent to the trash. It is an Intel Mac.
I have made the mistake of trying to update a G4 power book with power PC software,
In both cases a reload of the OS X solved the problem but took hours and needed every little thing fixed or reloaded.
Thanks for the help.