Price of Color Classics

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unknown1's picture
Last seen: 7 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
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Price of Color Classics

I haven't checked on prices of Color Classics on ebay for quite a while then checked today. $100+ shipping!

In completed items they go for from $75 to $300! WOW.

When I was buying them heavily (maybe 5 to 7 years ago) a standard working CC was $25-50.00, a power CC was $250-350. Last time I checked (a couple years ago) they were going for nothing: $5-10.00 + shipping.

Interesting how things change over time.

I fortunately have several working examples and one is a Chinese CC with OS7.1T Japanese, all documentation, even the original purchase receipt. I even found a box for it (not THE original and no original foam packing). I am keeping it for the museum...

coius's picture
Last seen: 11 years 3 days ago
Joined: Aug 25 2004 - 13:56
Posts: 1975
yeah. Older= Rarer

with older machines becoming more rare, they go up in price. Especially a coveted machine like the CC and CC2. The mac128k/512k/plus are prime examples of this. I sold a 128k last year for $200. That included no keyboard, mouse, or operating system disk. Also, the image on the screen didn't fill the whole screen. Some dude in Japan bought it. Musta REALLY wanted it...

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