Ok, i picked up an eMac 700Mhz off of craigslist last week. During that time, i have been making a number of upgrades. Little stuff like more ram (took it from 128->640MB) increased the harddrive (upped it by pulling the 40GB and putting in an 80GB with a faster RPM) and then fixing some stuff (Pulled the half-dead DVD/CD-RW and replaced it with a Comcrap DVD-ROM) but this is the first time I have *actually* dug into doing a major hardware hack. I present the new eMac 900Mhz:
I did this using this link
After having been into it a couple times, i got the idea of the layout and followed the instructions pull the 0 Omh resisters using a solering iron. I was thinking of doing like some others said by using an exacto knife, but decided against it, seeing as how I did something dumb like that last time, left me with a dead Pentium 4 board (that I tried to up the bus on an OEM Dell Board for a friend. Luckily he knew the risks of me doing the hack, so i was off the hook)
So, i now have the machine humming along fine at the new 900Mhz CPU speed. and I feel VERY happy about pulling the stunt off and actually having it work. This ws the first time I soldered something like this, and I feel great now.
Anyways, I just wanted to show off. This may be something normal for most of you hackers, but I have done small stuff like through a BIOS, and this is the first mac hack I have done of this sort.
Anyways, thanks for reading this.
crashed when running a Java app. I had to let it sit for 5 minutes before I could get back into OS X. ArcticSilver Heatsink Compound anyone?
I just kinda slammed the old Mount back on, eager to get it up and running. I will go in tomorrow morning and put some arctic silver on it. I shoulda thought about that before...
thats pretty neat man, those emacs are 17" right? i think i would like one...
I overclocked a 9600 from ... actually, don't think I'm going to fire it up/look it up, but basically, I tried overclocking by the max possible at first, and kept having problems till I only overclocked up one step (I think it was 50MHz). I would bet that going from 700MHz to 900MHz would be pushing it too far. I also installed an extra fan to point right at the processor. Good luck!
different cpu's overclock differently. ive got my athlon 1800xp which clocks at 1.53ghz clocked to 1916mhz and its been that way for over a year with no problems...
i might try this on my emac 700 later on when it's pulled off as the network admin. i need a pretty fast computer to convert into my media/print server, and this thing hasn't failed as a print server for the rest of the computers. i might try this after attempting to overclock my wallstreet again (second processor, hopefully i wont lose the resistors).
Cleaned off the pad from the original setup, and applied arctic silver ceramic compound. so far so good
Works great, ran java on it. The only problem I had after that was just now. it didn't seem to want to come out of sleep. I will look into it later. Other than that, it's been rock solid