667 Mhz Powerbook G4 Price ?

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seth_381's picture
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667 Mhz Powerbook G4 Price ?

I'm looking again for a portable Mac and decided on a 667 Mhz Powerbook, I know it's not the best and can't run leopard but all I really need is 10.4 and a Read/Write CD Drive. I know there aren't a lot of em out there so what is the normal asking price ? I know it must have gone down a bit since the release of Leopard.

catmistake's picture
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don't do it. Economically, technologically, it makes no sense. Now is a rare time that you can find wonderful dual-core laptops for $600 and much less (they're practically giving away the dual core celeron/pentium m's and the dualcore AMD's, and the core2duos have really come down in price this year). Go to dealnews and search around, and don't worry about the crudey OS that comes with these great deals... wipe it and install [color=brown]ubuntu[/color]... yes, its easy enough and does everything you, or anyone, needs. Don't fall into the trap that so many of us here have (obsessively paying way too much for obsolete Apples).

watch this page, $300-$800 laptops, excellent values

seth_381's picture
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I Dislike

Sorry but I dislike ubuntu and it may be economically unsmart but I really don't care..

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Mac2Sell offers online estima

Mac2Sell offers online estimates for used Apple Macs

The Mac2Sell service is free: http://www.mac2sell.net

Cheers, Tom

catmistake's picture
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tru dat

well, as they say, its only money... (esp true when its someone else's)

tmtomh's picture
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I would recommend a MacBook

Can you hold out until December?

If so, how about saving a little more money, and then when the new MacBooks come out (presumably next month), snapping up the previous generation (or the one before that even) MacBook, used or refurbed, for $700-$800?


eeun's picture
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Re: mho

don't do it. Economically, technologically, it makes no sense.

Agreed. Powerbooks above 500MHz are still holding a lot of value on the used market, and it'll take some time to see the Leopard MHz cutoff affect prices.

For a few hundred dollars difference, getting brand new or close to brand new is certainly better than a machine that's slower by half, can't run the latest OS, has unknown battery and other component life, no warranty, etc.

Eudimorphodon's picture
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Titanium == Yuck

slower by half

"Slower by half" is a really generous estimate, if you're comparing a 667Mhz Titanium to a MacBook. 20% as fast would be more realistic. I *happily* gave up on my 867mhz Ti when a slightly-damaged 1.33Ghz Al came my way a few months ago. Titaniums, to me at least, are just starting to "feel" too slow. (Even light work causes the now old-and-noisy cooling fan to kick on full blast.)

Personally, I'd have to say it's *really* unwise to pay money for a Mac that won't run the latest OS. Apple tends to abandon support for older versions of OS X *very quickly*. In the case of 10.0-10.2, Apple stopped bothering releasing security updates or bugfixes pretty much on the day the newer version came out. It is true that they've released a few critical updates for 10.3 after the 10.4 release, like the Daylight Savings timezone patch, but they clearly balked on doing it. It's possible they'll be slightly more generous with Tiger since they're obsoleting so many machines at once with this release, but don't count on it. Even if the stream of "critical updates" doesn't dry up for a year you'll still be cutting yourself off from new Safari and iLife releases, if you're into that sort of thing.

Frankly, given how slow even the fastest G4s feel compared to MacBooks I'd hesitate recommending *anything* with a PowerPC CPU, if you're spending real money on it. But if you're stuck on PowerPC, you really should bite the bullet and get something in an Aluminum case. It's a slightly less foolish investment.


catmistake's picture
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prime facie paradox

Almost appears as we Fritterers are bashing old Macs, but not so. If you already have that Mac from early on a generation back,, that things worth maybe $200-$800 or more depending, maybe even thousands considering apps, dedicated media HW, and flat cost of replacement, and even on the used market.

But if you have $500, considering new tech is so dirt cheap albeit blisteringly sweet, its worth much more than any Mac more than a year old or so.

However, imo, if you've got, say, $50, and disposable time, and score an SE/30 for $15, even with $30 ship I think its a major steal. Dang I wish I had $50 and disposable time. Guess I'll have to settle for disposable time.

GEOS's picture
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I have been looking into gett

I have been looking into getting a used 12" G4 on ebay for a while now, and in my search i see lots of older 667, 800, and 867MHz Tibooks up for sale. The 667MHz models usually go pretty cheap these days. If you are willing to go for an ebay Mac, then I would bet you could snag a 667 or maybe faster for around $300-$350.

catmistake's picture
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the point exactly

that's ... Enough fo a brand new 1.8 GHz dual core AMD/pentium4 laptop.

seth_381's picture
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Ty Everyone

Catmistake what is up window you and windows/AMD ?
I guess that everyone is right it is not worth it to get a 667 PB


catmistake's picture
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Windows didn't used to be, bu

Windows didn't used to be, but is now the most expensive and ridiculous waste of time of any operating system you can use today. Even when it works right, its tedious and fragile.

And I guess you could say... AMD is kind of like the poor man's intel. Or AMD is the underdog of consumer desk/laptop CPU's. But the fact is, all things being equal, their chips are slighly less expensive than intel. No mystery... its a better bargain.

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I've personally lucked into coming upon a university sponcered Apple Store that had (at the time?3 years ago?) last year's G4 1.25 GHz iBooks, that were new, just never got sold. They needed to get rid of them, so they lowered the price from $1500 to $600, and I got one for my girl. I imagine that's what all the Stores do with the old overstock, if it exists, they dump them when the new models come out.

seth_381's picture
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Great ...

Great Deal ! I should call my nearest Apple Store and I wish I could find a deal like that. Heck that's less than I paid for my PC.

unknown1's picture
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Big PowerBooks and other things

I REALLY want a 17" Book, either PowerBook or MacBook Pro.

(A 19 year old friend working at Albertson's and living at home just bought a new MacBook Pro 17" AND a nice 5 year old used car, ah I remember the days- no rent, no bills, no wife and kids, no 40+ year old's medical problems, health insurance was $72 a month!!!, but I digress...)--- Of course that was the 1980s and $1995 -2MHz Commodore PETs were the way to go!

About 8 or 9 months back we were expecting some money and I was looking at a 17" 1GHz from http://expercom.com/ for $1000 with a 90 day warranty. A garnishment from a long old medical bill managed to cost us more than that laptop....

So I have been watching ebay for 17"ers and now the 1.67GHz are going for between $900 and $1300. I really think this is the only PowerBook I will be looking at.

It still blows me away at just how much a used Mac will go for but a similar new 17" Windows laptop with a discrete graphics card (rare in any low end laptop) would cost as much or more (Of course it would be many times faster).

But except for rendering or high end video work, how much power do you really need in a laptop? I would rather have a decent performing but relatively cool running laptop and a super fast core2duo rendering machine at home connected to the network (you can build one for less than $1000 and run any Win or *nix you want). Yes, I know the current processors are many times more efficient and probably run cooler than a G4.

I just went
and found a pretty much standard 1.67Ghz is worth $970. Pretty promising and with each new MacBook Pro introduction the price goes down!

'Thought I'd something more to say' but I think this is enough for now...

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