powerbook 15" aluminum series wont boot

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Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
Joined: Mar 26 2006 - 20:17
Posts: 3
powerbook 15" aluminum series wont boot

Hello applefritter friends,
I got my hands on a powerbook G4 1.5 G4,Aluminum series,it's missing a Hard drive has 512 ram(2)256 chips very clean,
so here is the deal...I tried booting from an Install Tiger DVD and there is no sound (chime),nothing on the LCD screen,(black),I even tried connecting DV,and svideo to Additional output to LCD monitor,still nothing...I do get sound from the DVD as it spins and then stops, the keys light up (cap) (number) locks and thats all I get ...I tried resetting,RPAM,CUDA,even holding R,to reset the video ram,still no joy,I was wondering if there is additional tricks to try to solve the issue to see what parts need to be replaced,I'm thinking Logic board but want to know for sure they are not cheap...i had smular issue with a power mac MDD thought it was Logic board turned out to be cpu card now i have two logic boards lol .so I'm gonna build another powerMac this time with a home brew liquid cooling system will post pic on that later on cheerz

Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: Jan 12 2005 - 18:09
Posts: 104

Does the battery seem to be charging?

Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
Joined: Mar 26 2006 - 20:17
Posts: 3

Sup dustin...yea the Battery does charge I get yellow amber then green go when done ...
any thoughts ?

Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: Jan 12 2005 - 18:09
Posts: 104

(note, these aren't put in any particular order)

Hmmm... bad RAM?

You say you hear sound from the DVD drive. Do you have a firewire or other external drive you could try to boot from, just to see what happens?

You say CUDA, but it's documented as PMU, making me think you might have gotten different instructions than what is correct for your machine? (just a thought)


Not really, not even a chime? Not sure, unless the power switch is bad. Of course, it might not chime if the volume was set to 0, but that would have been set back to a default level after the cuda/PRAM/etc. resets you tried, for at least a boot... can't get into firmware, then? Have you taken it apart?


(maybe just a loose connection, somewhere?). Of course, the al15ines have a DC-in board, there may be something on the board that is keeping power from getting to the logic board, with the parts that charge the battery intact...

Never heard of holding R to reset video ram, is that documented somewhere?

Those are my thoughts, not sure if they'll help

"Sup dustin..." do I know you? I read that, and thought you might be someone I know, but I don't recognize "dronezone", good luck either way.

Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
Joined: Mar 26 2006 - 20:17
Posts: 3

nothing but black screen ...i get green light ...caps lock...number lock...any more sggetionz?

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