powerbook 165c booting issues

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westieg3's picture
Last seen: 16 years 11 months ago
Joined: Apr 4 2004 - 18:03
Posts: 465
powerbook 165c booting issues

recieved a powerbook 165c yesterday that was of an unknown condition. i had to go through every power supply in my house before i found one with the voltage and amperage to power it (6 volts ans 2 amps to power a machine that should run on 7.5 volts and 3 amps). the computer chimes, the screen turns on, moves to the gray pattern, and then it either shuts down or repeats the process. in that it sometimes gets the flashing question mark or (with the hard drive taken out) a menu saying it cannot boot from my network access disk. when i pulled it open, i found parts where the hard drive had gotten so hot that it had melted the plastic insulation inside the casing, and the drive gets very hot when plugged in, without even spinning up. i'm supposing it's one of two issues. either the hard drive is toast (which i'm sure it is), or the power supply i found simply can't power the computer and all its components. any ideas? is there a version of the network access disk that it can boot from? oldest powerbook in my collection now, so i'm interested in seeing it boot all thw ay.

westieg3's picture
Last seen: 16 years 11 months ago
Joined: Apr 4 2004 - 18:03
Posts: 465
took out the hard drive and i

took out the hard drive and it boots find off the network boot disk. hard drive is fried as far as i can tell. opened it up and everything in there looks fine (and moves freely), but it won't power up. gets hot too, so i either need a new drive or a compactflash adapter.

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