Ok, everybody so I went to the Apple Store today so they could explain to me exactly how my ibook g3 works. I asked them if I could get Final Cut Pro for it, ANY version and they flat out said NO.
Now, I don't really trust what the floor rep said because he didn't know much at all anyway, so I'm asking you all will Final Cut run on it and if so, what version?
They said my processor is too slow to run it or something.
Also, I heard that its bad to save your video files on the drive your computer runs off of, so is it possible for me to split the drive so one portion of it can be for the computer and the other for the video(hope thats not a dumb question )
Please someone tell me what to do.
Just some other Info: Processor 800 mhz g3
memory: 640 mb sdram
Thanks for all your help
From the Apple website for FC Studio:
From the site for FC Express
Older versions of FC I'm not sure of. Generally, video editing like to use an Altivec capable CPU, which means a G4 or higher. There are other video editing programs than Final Cut, but if it is what you need to learn, then your laptop may not work. Older versions might work on a G3, but I don't know.
Final Cut Pro 3 should do the trick. It runs on my Powermac G3 and has an OS 9 and OS X version. All you need is 300MHz, Built in Firewire, 256mb of RAM, and 40mb of hard drive space for insallation. Actually, since you have an iBook with 32mb of VRAM, then you can run Final Cut Pro 4 as well.
FCP 3 works on both my 400mhz B&W G3 with 512mb RAM and 10.4.10, and my iBook G3 500mhz with 192mb with 10.3.9.