Need Help With Making Apple II Multiple Game Disks...Need Easy To Use Disk Launcher/Booter Program .dsk Image

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Need Help With Making Apple II Multiple Game Disks...Need Easy To Use Disk Launcher/Booter Program .dsk Image

Hey There! Fairly new to using my Apple IIe and IIc and I need help with "How To" and with finding a working Disk Launcher/Booter .dsk image I can use to manage and add multiple Apple II binary games to a 5.25 disk. I need something like that Beautiful Boot by Mini Appler where you can select from multiple games just by selecting A,B,C and so on. I have also seen other loaders on multiple game disks I have that seem they would work fine too, I just have no idea how to use one or which one is easiest to use. I use ADT to transfer and got that figured out no problems. I can also format a disk to ProDos or Dos 3.3 no problem, also I have figured out how to write .dsk images that run great no problem. My problem is I have individual games files and want to make my own disks compilations and have no Idea how to make it Auto-Boot. After I format a disk and just add individual binary game files then try to load the disk, there is no disk manager like Beautiful boot or any other on the disk so the disk won't load. I can see the disk is formatted and the files are added that I put on it, but it doesn't auto load where you can select from the games on it by just chosing a letter or number. I tried transferring The Pirates Toolkit .dsk image to a 5.25 disk which looks like it will let you make a beautiful boot disk and add games, but the .dsk image will not run on my Apple IIe or IIc for some unknown reason after I transfer it to 5.25 disk. What's odd is it runs fine on AppleWin Emulator. I tried formatting a disk as ProDos and also as 3.3 but the Toolkit wouldn't run on either my IIe or IIc system. Maybe something is wrong with the .dsk image. So if someone could tell me what Disk Launcher/Booting programs work best with IIe, IIc and where to find working disk images of them please let me know. Also is any instructions might be around on how to use the launcher.
Any Help is Very Much Appreciated! Thanks ~Drew