Last night when I turned on my monitor it made a sound a bit unusual and louder then normal....the green power light came on then went off. I pressed the monitor power button and turned if off and tried again...same thing. I "lightly" tapped the monitor casing above the power switch and it came on and stayed on.
Same drill this morning when I powered up the monitor, except I had a bit of screen "shaking" but another light tap stablized the display.
I am guessing that I have a short in the power switch or one of the leads coming out of it.
*is this something I could probably fix myself with a soldering gun ( used one a few times)?
*Are parts even available for it?
*better to let a computer/TV repair shop fix it ( if I find one that will work on it)?
*Buy another monitor and save this one for parts?
Suggestions and help welcome!
Well I have taken them apart the monitors to clean. You have to be carefull and not iin a hurry with anything.
Buying a spare for parts might be a good idea if you can get them cheap and have room. Never took apart the on off switch. A better Idea would be to use a power strip.( leave all the swtiches on and use the power strip to turn them all off) So it saves on the all the switches. That is what I do. Or one of those stands that has the switches built into it.
If the contacts burned away not much you can do but replace. But if they are dirty maybe a contact cleaner may help.
Take Care
I 'll take it apart over the weekend and see if it is something obvious. If I mess up I am sure I can replace it off Ebay. I just got a Kensington IIGS system saver from ebay, so I can use it as my on/off switch for the monitor and cpu.
I'm just about convinced now that it would be smart to have as many spare parts and or components I can afford and store.....especially if I want to keep both my GS and IIc run for a few years to come.
It is possible to have TOO much. Email for pictures. BTW I have a lot of spare parts for sale if you need something.
Take Care