Hi. I decided I wanted to put OS X 10.2 on my 8600/300. I got it to install, but when it rebooted, and consecutivly afterwards, It does this:
and no matter the combination of cuda resets, PRAM resets, reinstall, it does that. I can confirm the RAM is good, and the hard disc, as well as the installation CD.
Any suggestions?
It's called a kernel panic.
Did you use XPostFacto to install OS X? It is required in order to install OS X on Powermacs before the G3, and is even necessary for certain installations on some of the early G3's. Your 8600 would definitely require it.
Xpostfacto works wonders. I have 10.2 running beautifully on my 8600/300 at home (with original 604e chip in it). Frankly, xpostfacto is all you need. About six years ago, when I had a Umax S900, I was running 10.1 on it via xpostfacto (or whatever it was called back then). Good times.
This is with XPF. Sorry I forgot to mention that. Its weird, Cause its done the entire inststall, but panics and the screen gets corrupted. Its fine on OS 9 tho.
Was it a retail Jaguar installation disk, or machine-specific? Even with the retail version installing on G3's, I would often have problems with Jaguar installations leading to panics. I never liked that OS.
did you turn on the old NDRV's? and you should NOT have the L2 cache enabled. that causes crashing even on the Blue and Whites (even if the system supports it, OS X conflicts with the setting)
How do you disable the L2 cache on a B&W before installation? Are you suggesting that all installations of OS X on a B&W be perfomed using XPF?
When I first installed Tiger, i heard that you had to use XPostFacto. Out of curiosity, i checked the "Enable L2 Cache" button, and when I restarted, it Kernel Panicked the machine. I was merely stating that that feature doesn't seem to work. I was suggesting not using it on the 8600, because no matter what machine I used it on, seemed to disagree with the option.
however, OS X is quite picky with the RAM. Stating that, it may be that OS X doesn't like the RAM you have in it PERIOD. I would swap out the ram and try it on the minimal and run with different configs. It's done it on a client's machine and 10.3 (used a G4 400Mhz Upgrade) and I swapped the ram from another machine, and it seemed to work. People have said it before, OS X just doesn't like certain RAM.
New machines seem to be no exception either. ram that seems to work in my B&W doesn't seem to work in the iMac. in that case, it doesn't start up. So it's not just OS X that doesn't like it, sometimes a machine doesn't like it at hardware level.
It would be safe to say, the whole machine is picky from hardware up.
I would totally agree with the statement the machine is picky. I had a tuff time finding RAM that it liked. and I have all Cubig RAM, its weird.
empty your PCI slots
I have. and I've tried different RAM and a different proc.
Its starting to weird me out :/
-XPF has a throttle... throttle it back a few, slow the boot down, see if that helps (I think the default is 7, try 4).
-Also, make sure your disk is terminated properly.
-One more thing... bizarrely enough, apparently, OS X looks in your OS 9 Fonts folder. Clear out any extraneous fonts (there might be a corrupt font in there).
One thing that comes to question in my mind is--maybe it's minor: you're getting the verbose kernel panic, not the generic kernel panic for OS 10.2 and above as shown in the Apple description I linked to at the top of this thread. Did you command a verbose form?
Just as an aside really, here's the verbose form that I got way back when I was trying to get my PowerExpress (Powermac 9700) prototype motherboard to boot into a Panther harddrive I had created with XPF:
It popped up after BootX failed, as you can see here:
But that was a very complex, non-normal situation working through Open Firmware. I never got the generic panic, but I never got beyond BootX, and the BootX was actually on a CD made to try and kickstart the Panther system on the harddrive.
Your verbose form is on a purely black screen as is described as the type of panic that the earlier OS X versions produced (OS 10.0 to 10.1.5). How far into the boot process of the Jaguar system do you get before the panic? To the sprocket? Anywhere at all?
If you go to OWC's XPF download and instruction page, there's a lot of troubleshooting info halfway down the page. It also suggests you post a link to your pic of the screen at the XPF tech forum for fast feedback.
It get to the apple, then halfway down the screen it corrupts, and goes verbose w/ that error. if I tell it to be verbose, it doesnt corruptthe screen, but has the same error as if I hadnt told it to be verbose.
More Weirdness. I bought a few Seagate Cheetahs, and am using a 68pin > 50pin converter, (I have *NEVER* seen OS 9 boot so fast, lol) and decided to try again. Now it doesnt kp, but just has a white cursor in the top left corner, and just sits there, the HD seeks every once in awhile. Any ideas?
Sorry, what does kp stand for? Oh, kernel panic. It just came to me, ha ha.
How's the termination? Are your 68pin drives set to SE? No ID conflicts?
So conflicts, termination is great. it boots OS 9 beautifully. Its amazing how much of a difference a drive can make
So what did you do? Did you do another install of Jaguar on the 68pin drive that completed? Are you installing on the same drive that's got the OS 9 on it, or on separate drives? Is your Jaguar install a basic install--no BSD or any of the other extras?
I don't remember, the 8600 doesn't have any onboard vram, right? I'd probably remove the vram sticks and put in an ATI PCI video card--a Rage Pro or 128--and see what happens.
It sounds like you've got a project for Open Firmware. If you peruse my PowerExpress Revisited thread you'll see the workings of OF (open firmware) as I was guided through it by powersurge9600. But beware, it's a very long thread (maybe the longest thread of all time at Applefritter?). I did try at one point a boot with a drive on the onboard SCSI bus, so there's some code for that there. That was my first appearance at Applefritter and I was maybe more clueless back then, or maybe I just cover it up a little better now.
One thing you could do is email powersurge9600 at his website and see if he could guide you through it. He's very much into teaching others in the Mac community about OF on the PCI Macs, and if you asked him to check out this thread maybe he could guide you through it right here for all of us to see. It's quite a fascinating thing to do and see. I haven't heard from him since I dropped the ball on the PowerExpress project, so I don't know how he's doing. One of these days I'm going to pick up that ball again and hope he's around to coach again. Anyway, that might be worth a try. Did you post your problem at the XPF forum?
Actually, I know a lot about open firmware (Or I think I do), and the specific version's quirks, (I learned from he NetBSD people, the open firmware masters) and its got me puzzled, to say the least. What a tangled web we weave with our first nvramc. I have 9.1 on the 68pin drive, it boots beautifully, and When I tell XPF to install, it reboots, then drops from the grey apple to that cursor. I'm going to try a mac rommed adaptec card when it comes in. If not, I'll just put NetBSD on it. I'm emailing him and posting on the XPF boards now. Hawaii Cruiser,
Um, your original screenshot at the top of this thread has changed to a shot of an OS X desktop.
I was just going to post to say, that's 10.5, stacks. If you managed to get the Dev copy of Leopard on an 8600 WOW. Lol, it barely ran on my G4.
SOrry, lol, the img host I used rolls over pretty quickly. If I could edit it, I would.
If you stick the kp image in your image gallery here at Applefritter, I'm sure one of the admins can fix it into your original post.
I would but....
