hi fritters!
long time ago since my last post... i have been busy moving to my new flat lately and at the moment i don
t have internet (only at work).
does anyone know if there exists a solution for cloning the whole hard drive (mac os x 10.4 + bootcamp partition) ??? i know carbon copy cloner or super duper will do it for my mac os x partition, but (plz dont hate me for that) i work a lot in windows too and need to backup both partitions to my new macbook pro i got at work. as i have to do this with a couple of computers (all my co-workers now swapped to the new macbook pro) i would prefer a 1-step solution, but if there is another one im thankful as well. or is there already any software out there which can do this?
thx for your input and have a nice day... chris
If you are talking MacBook Pro, the statement is:
The full text is at http://www.shirt-pocket.com/forums/showthread.php?t=461
what i meant in my initial post was this:
i have an old macbook pro (first gen) with mac os x 10.4.8 and, on it's own partition, bootcamp with windows xp. what i need now is to migrate the whole content of the hard drive over to a new macbook pro, including bootcamp.
just like you would do with older macs when you had carbon copy cloner, you could just copy the whole hard drive content over firewire to your new machine - et voila - you got a bootable clone of your original machine...
for all you searching for the same tool:
excerpt from the homepage:
i will take a further look into this software and let you know if it's any good... cheers, chris
ok. so far, how i understand the software, winclone makes an image out of any boot camp partition. you can then copy the image to another mac and restore it there using winclone again.
i didn't have time by now to fully test it, but it seems to do what i need. i would be glad for input from anyone who has used that software already!?