Change Font Colors In Your iPod

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Change Font Colors In Your iPod

Owners of video iPods are blessed and there is no doubt about that. They get video while the rest of us mope around the streets just listening to music. Today is no different because those owners that I despise so much now have the ability to change the font color of the title bar, main menu and secondary font color. Oh great! Even Nano owners can do this. I give up. Maybe I?ll buy a Zune.


Open iPW, load your firmwire.
Go to Layout, scroll down to Font Types.
In that list, go down to item 24222.
Now look at the z2 tag. It should say 0xFF000000. Click on it and change the first three digit series from 00 00 00 to DD 00 00.
Go to the fontID tag, and click on it. On the right, click the ?Decimal? select button.
Back to the left, in the editing textbox, type in the String ID for the font you want to change to. To find this, click the Strings tab and look for the list of fonts in Language Block 24. Pick one, and punch in the 5-digit number into the fontID tag.
Write your iPod, eject, and look. Your menu text is now red! However, you won?t have the same font. This is currently the only way to change your menu font color.

24222 - Menu Text - All main text on your iPod.
24223 - Title Bar - Also changes your ?Do not disconnect? text, and your ?Song # of #? text in ?Now Playing?
24224 - Titlebar Text Shadow - Text shadow in Stopwatch, Screen Lock, etc. Alignment has no effect.
24225 - Secondary Text - Settings options, On/Off strings, etc. Basically anything that?s right-justified.


14034 - Dates belonging to the current month in the calendar
14035 - Dates not belonging to current month in the calendar
14039 - Event info field labels
14040 - Time of events in calendar
22199 - Buttons in Stopwatch
27971 - Contact # of ##
27972 - Contact info field value
27973 - Contact info field label
-592 - Title of calendar events in summary
-548 - Search term in input box
-554 - ?No Results Found?
-550 - Amount of search results displayed on the input form
-549 - List of search results while in input form
-344 - Alphabetical index while scrolling fast through the media library

fontID - Changes where the given resource looks for the font in question. 24124 is Podium Sans, etc.
z1 - Not sure yet?will experiment.
Font Size - Self-explanatory. For God?s sake, though, check the Fonts section and make sure that size exists for the font you want to change. Example: Podium Sans has 14, 16, 18, 22, 28. Those numbers will work. Others may not, and can brick you, causing you to have to return to iPW and change it back.
z2 - Color?hex format. Click HERE for a quick and decent hex color table.
z3 - Justification?0?1 for Left, 0?101 for Center (perfect to use with the menu text for easy centered menus!), 0?201 for Right. There are a few resources that use 0?200, but I don?t feel like getting into all that, not right now.