Dunno what she did but my dear darling daughter has managed to lock both of us out of her iMac. She ran a software update, re-booted and couldnt get in. *No worries* says I, somewhat prematurely as my password isn't working either.... Anyone know of a way in without destroying a load of photos she has on the hard drive?
1. If it's running OS
boot off of the install disc 1, and under the utilities menu, there should be an app called "reset password". launch it, and type in a new one. from there, you can reset her password.
2. if it is running OS 9, again, boot off an install CD, or some disc with a bootalbe OS 9 part. Go into the hard drive, double click system folder, go into the prefrences folder, and drag the "multipule users prefs" file to the tras and reboot. I am not sure if it deletes the accounts as well, but the data should be intact.
hope that helps.
Thanks! It worked a treat :0)
excellent!! glad to hear it. Out of my nagging curiosity, which method did you use, and thus which OS is it running? just for future reference.
glad to hear it worked out.