Keyboard Anomaly

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Last seen: 17 years 10 months ago
Joined: Apr 12 2007 - 10:31
Posts: 1
Keyboard Anomaly

I recently acquired an unenhanced Apple IIe from a resale shop. It is generally in working order and passes all of the diagnostic tests, but the keyboard frequently spits out strings of up to a dozen characters if you press a key or combination it doesn't like. Initially thinking it was a mechanical problem, I desoldered, adjusted and reassembled every keyswitch, but the problem persists. I have cleaned and reseated every chip on the board, removed all peripherals and even replaced all the RAM with known good modules. There is no change when switching to the enhanced chipset. Defeating the repeating key function doesn't help, since the garbage characters print out instantaneously with a single click. It has probably been ten years since I worked with an Apple IIe, but I don't think they keyboard is supposed to act this way. It is impossible to type with any speed and requires constant editing. The only think I can think of, other than some ghost in the machine, is a buggy keyboard ROM. Any help would be much appreciated.
