Looking to trade Alienware desktop for mac mini or round base imac

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Looking to trade Alienware desktop for mac mini or round base imac

Hello I have a Alienware Aurora computer that was given to me. I have used it for a few months and it works great with one exception,the little fan on the motherboard is LOUD. I took it off and oild it and that worked great for a couple of months. It has to be done again.There are no other problems with it that I know of. The computer is an amd64 with one gig of ram expandable up to four gigs,Light scribe dvd burner,200 gig hd-can house up to 5 more hd's,SLI compatable---I only have one graffix card in it but you can run two of the same cards in it. I have the bridge connector for it. The card in the machine is a nvidia 9700 sli card. It runs games by itself with out any problems.The case is in good condition. I can send you pics. I can give you the Alienware disc's that came with the computer. I will also toss in a microsoft mouse and keyboard{they are nothing special}. I would be willing to trade for a g4,or g5 mac. If your interested please let me know we could work something out.