The subject line says it all... who wants to admit they have a MySpace page, and share it so we can all be friends, increasing our friend count, thereby increasing our "pop-geek" cred?
I know you have one... I do... but I aint' tellin if no one else aint'
I don't.
I hate all those 'online community' type things; I can barely stand posting in my blog. They just seem like a waste of time to me, I prefer doing stuff/hanging out in person.
At least it's a band site...we were forced into it by tbe tides of marketing. only friends are here...
I could be on MySpace. By all rights, I should be on it. I reason that I'm not because I'm on an older and more "exclusive" site anyway...
Yet you seem to be posting here, saying that you don't like posting in online communties/forums?
I have a myspace (it's my username) and I am honestly rather indifferent about it. Yes, it can be used to be annoying or malicious, but at the end of the day, it's just another social tool. I was opposed to creating one for a long time, but it's fun to have a different way to interact with your friends.
Alright I have one, Although I dont use it that much. anyway here it is
For surez. I love myspace, in fact, its how my biological father and sister were able to find me.
I created a myspace page just to connect back up with an old hot romance, but she didn't allow me as one of her friends.
Guess she needed herspace. Enough of that.
I have myspace and have for about 2 years, its how i keep in touch with old classmates and some of my relatives, plus ables me to meet new people and potential gf's
i will admit, some things on my page are vulgar, so read at your own risk. its just me being me thats all....
Add me if you please, i love talking to people!
i am not that fond of it, but it is a great advertising tool and quick launch board for people to first see my art. i only post new stuff from current projects - my real portfolio and main news blog is at . i found some old high school friends withit and have made some industry contacts (comicbooks). but nothing real serious. just another spot on the web for people to stumble opun.
peace and love
I'm on myspace. It's helped me get back in touch with old friends from school, old employers, college, etc. Since I've moved around quite a bit, it's pretty nice.
Here's my myspace page. If anyone here wants me as a friend, they're more than welcome ...
It's not like I do much with it... but it can be fun.
Perhaps we should create an Applefritter group on myspace.
If I get the OK from TPTB, I will gladly do so.
(unless they do it first)
i have one
its a good way to keep in touch with friends and others
No shame in a little myspace, now and then.
I had one, but I deleted it after about a year due to the worthlessness of Myspace and most of it's inhabitants.
Yea I have one, you can add it if you want. I don't use it much anymore, facebook is much less annoying and less spammy.
Mostly just use it now to store html/pictures/videos
i have a myspace. i even run my own music for it, and blog! myspace blog
i mean, people randomly adding people as friends, just so they can get their count up. that's not really a friend...
I kept getting these weirdos adding me. ones that I would NEVER interact with in real life (i would get all these drunk partiers) and it's not my personality. Frankely, it's hard for me to make friends in real life, and I WILL admit that you can make friends online, i just think it's one of the WORST ways to make friends. You can get better friends by going to a club in your city (Like a MUG, or some other group that does stuff your interested in)
I mean, you can make friends, but i garauntee that it won't be life-long. If I want friends, i want them to be life long buddies. not someone that dissapears after a few months
Which one? Orkut?
Just looking at Myspace gives me a headache. What a clusterf*#k mess those pages are !
I see no reason to ever use that site.
use it all the time. dont judge haha. well what other way is there of getting out of doing schoolwork?
Shooting hoops
riding a bike
posting drivel on Applefritter
playing with fire
The list goes on and on. And it doesn't include MySpace.
by getting out of schoolwork i mean my parents keeping me in solitary confinement in my room, so there is MySpace and Applefritter of course
yeppers i got one, not on it very much though, noone really worht talking too...
Yeah, we've updated our myspace page with videos from our last gig.
I'll be adding more later.