replacing g4 14" 1 gHZ logic board with 1.42 gHZ

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replacing g4 14" 1 gHZ logic board with 1.42 gHZ

Hi I've been cruising the web for ibook HW info (originally to fix my wife's ibook) and this forum seems the best one out there. I've made this into a bit of a hobby (addiction) and now I've bought a broken 14" G4 1gHZ that I want to replace with a (good?) 1.42 gHZ 14" logic board. The two questions I have (I already have it apart) are: 1) Is there any way to tell whether the logic board is good before putting it in?
and 2) I notice quite a few differences - CD/DVD cable, video inverter cable, modem ... I wonder if this is more trouble than it's worth. Has any one done this swap?