Sample code for Krusader

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Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
Joined: Jun 22 2005 - 21:06
Posts: 48
Sample code for Krusader

(This is a copy of a post I just made over at the Replica 1 forums. I am cross-posting it since some of you here may also be interested.)

I have just made some changes to the Krusader sample code available at Included in the download are source and assembled versions of the games NIM, Microchess, Mastermind, Sum to 100, and PasArt (and there's also a little 16 bit checksum utility). The most important change is that all these games now have their entry point as their first address - much easier to remember, and they also all terminate on hitting escape.

I always run these from within the Krusader environment - I use it like a shell, so the RTS at the end of the games returns me to the shell. Also, for debugging it is easy to assemble in a BRK and look at what's going on under the hood.

Two other programs are included - SourceManager and ProgramManager. I use these to manage the source and assembled code for these programs, and have included their source, and also their code assembled to run from $A000. That's because I use an EEPROM at $A000-BFFF for storage. I just put in the chip with one of these programs, and type R $A000 from the Krusader shell, and it gives me a menu that can be used to load the source for the selected game into the assembler (SourceManager) or the game into memory (ProgramManager). I find it quite handy (though unfortunately the MicroChess source is too large to manage this way).


Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
Joined: Jun 22 2005 - 21:06
Posts: 48
I thought I should also add a

I thought I should also add a quick description. NIM, MicroChess and Mastermind are all well known games. Sum to 100 is just a player and computer taking it in turns to add a number between 1 and 10 (inclusive) to a running sum, the winner being the player who makes the sum equal 100 exactly. PasArt is the latest addition to the samples, and is described here:


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