an interesting idea about my upgraded iBook

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Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 174
an interesting idea about my upgraded iBook

My friend seems to think that I should try and sell my upgraded iBook on eBay for the cost of a new or refurbed g3 900/combo while there are still some out there for so cheap retail.

He might have a point. I could basically list mine as a 900MHz and install either the combo or the dvd-r drive that I have. People always pay too much for crap on eBay anyway... and I might be able to basically get a whole new system with a warranty to last me another 2 yrs or more... (and of course mod to hell like this one).

I would keep my modded plastics and keyboard and swap them with plain white ones... and then maybe put the old covers on the new one... hmmmm interesting ideas.

What do you guys think?