Wanted: SE/30 logic board with socketed processor

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Last seen: 17 years 10 months ago
Joined: Jan 19 2007 - 10:32
Posts: 57
Wanted: SE/30 logic board with socketed processor

I want to buy an SE/30 logic board with a socketed processor. My requirements for it are not to high:

-It does not need to come with the PRAM battery. If it has one, please carefully inspect it for any sign of leaking, and if you see any, please remove it immediately and do not ship the board with it. If it has one and you know it to be dead or dying, please discard it.

-Everything on the board (ports, ram/rom slots, sound, etc...) must work, PROPERLY (ex: I don't want one with that has working sound, but it is very quiet).

-I think it goes without saying that the processor must be present and working, and not have any missing pins or anything like that.

-I do not need the ROM or any RAM (though I do not mind if they are included).

-And finally, the capacitors. Please check all of them and make sure none have any serious leaks. I plan on replacing them anyway, but I do not want any that have leaked so much that they will cause traces to be lifted when they are removed.

If you have a board that meets my requirements but it has something else that you think I might find objectionable, please let me know.

If you have a board that has any of the things I directly listed wrong with it, please let me know anyway.

I can either pay for the board or do a trade, I have some things that might be of interest to a number of you.

Please contact me either by PM, or by e-mail at:
martinblank64 [at] comcast [dot] net.

Thank you.