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Last seen: 13 hours 44 min ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 594

I ended up with a few Logitech Scanmans so I decided to try one out and since I had a 6500 with OS 9 already set up I thought I'd try that but had no luck. I then tried an LC575 and OS 7.5 and no luck either so I pulled out a Mac plus and tried it out with OS 6.0.8 which worked fine. I was wondering if anyone knew offhand if there was a OS version it stopped working at or if it was limited to certain systems.

applemachome's picture
Last seen: 20 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 132

it probably isnt system 7 compatible, there were lots of problems with that apparently.


Last seen: 18 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 447
I've got my original 2.1 driv

I've got my original 2.1 driver release floppy for the ScanMan Model 32 booted on a PB ATM. The readme, dated 01/05/91, mentions 6.0.7 as the "latest System software." Mine died after several years of service, I don't remember ever being angry that it didn't make the jump to System 7. Try it with 7.0.1•, I ran that FOREVER on BigMac (Rocket in a IIx) and I'm almost positive I used the ScanMan with it because I didn't get a Flat Bed until . . .

Dunno, I'd have to look it up! I'll check some of the old backup ROMs to see what driver (if any) was on BigMac back in the day.


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