I've been playing around with Word Juggler (an emulation on the Mac) and was wondering if anyone had a list of the keystrokes for its commands-- e.g., I've figured out that ctrl-o will display to the screen, ctrl-p will print. At one point, WJ came in a package with replacement keycaps--anyone have or can post a list of what the commands and keys were?
Also how does one make the text double spaced?
Or put in a blank line? I've tried pressing the return key, but that doesn't do it.
Also, typically a program of that era for the Apple II that uses ctrl- commands would use Control-s for Save and Control-q for quit. Try cntrl-return for a blank line.
Appreciate the response... early 1980s, Quark! Yes, the desktop publisher company first foray was Word Juggler for the Apple II.
You're absolutely right about the control sequences... Applewriter, which is what I used for years, used those to great advantage.
Alas, ctrl-return doesn't insert a blank line!
And ctrl-s and ctrl-q don't work either! There could be another problem here, however.
In rummaging through the disk files, I discovered an oddball one "unprotect.notes" which described that ctrl-m would bring up the menu... That doesn't work, but for a different reason... Word Juggler shipped with a special hardware add on to enable it to be fully functional (I had forgotten about that). The result is that copied real versions or emulated versions, AFAIK, can't return to any menu and are forever trapped in text entry mode! WJ also shipped with replacement keycaps for the IIe.. a wonderful idea, as they included the specialized commands. (Those are what I'm looking for!)
"Changes in Word Juggler for the Apple II (vers. 2.7 or greater)
Word Juggler for the Apple II (version 2.7 or greater) differs from the older
versions in two primary ways; by the elimination of the hardware modification
and the addition of a number of enhancements to the program. The following
list is a summary of all of the changes."
So, now the quest would be for an Applie II dsk image of version 2.7 or later.
Anyone know of one? I keep trying downloads off the net, but they are all version 2.5.
By the way, the program's name is also written WordJuggler-- as in wordjuggleriie.dsk
Still wondering if anyone ever tracked down Word Juggler 2.7 (the one without any hardware modification required)... or has a diskette lying around they'd be willing to part with!
I've found it. See this thread:
Still trying to figure out the keystrokes and commands, though. If anyone has come across a PDF or other version of the manual for Word Juggler 2.7, please post there (and here).
It could help everyone (well, the 2 or 3 of us that areinterested) take a walk down memory lane!