iBook G4 12" 1.33 Superdrive Upgrade Question

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iBook G4 12" 1.33 Superdrive Upgrade Question

Does anyone know if an 8X Superdrive from a 14" 1.42Ghz iBook will work in a 1.33GHz iBook that previously had a combo drive?

I installed it the other night and it will burn DVD's, but programs like Mactheripper will not read that there is a DVD in the drive.

Is there any software or firmware updates I need? Thanks for the help! Any ideas would be appreciated!


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What OS are you running?

Are you running OS 10.4.8? I think that they did some minor fixes recently to the OS, so that iTunes 7.0.2 can recognize a wide variety of optical drives.

I did a similar upgrade tor yours, on a TiPowerbook 500. I had used Patchburn to make the system/iTunes recognize the drive. Then I started having troubles burning disks in the latest OS/iTunes software. I uninstalled Patchburn, and now it works very well. Though I haven't tried it out with iDVD yet.


iantm's picture
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If it's a factory drive ...

it should work as such. I would recommend reinstalling your OS. As odd as it may seem, that may make all the difference in the world. Do an archive & restore.

bigd's picture
Last seen: 16 years 4 months ago
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Posts: 37

Yes! It is a factory drive and I installed the patchburn and it worked perfectly! Do you still think that I should reinstall the OS? This thing works great. I bought it off of eBay for $40 bucks! I just had to swap out the ribbon and back brace and front slot. Thanks again guys, you rock!


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if it works...

if i works with patchburn I wouldnt bother reinstalling unless you want to.

However, if you need patchburn, i would suggest that you perhaps are not running Tiger, which you may find that you enjoy. The only reason i see to reinstall would be if multiple things were wrong, or you wnated to upgrade to tiger.

gobabushka's picture
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yea, it will definitly work,

yea, it will definitly work, especially if its an apple drive!

bigd's picture
Last seen: 16 years 4 months ago
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I am running OS X 10.4.8 and installed the superdrive and then installed mactheripper. If i inserted a DVD it would not read the drive in mactheripper. It was a long shot, but I installed the patch after the suggestion here and it now reads the drive (which is an official apple part). So I am not going to touch it now. Anyone else have an idea as to why it is now reading the DVD drive? Was it a placebo effect or did the patch actually do something? Thanks again guys. Like I've always said, applefritter is the best and most knowledgeable at helping... you guys rock!

coius's picture
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have you update MTR?

have you checked to find an update for MacTheRipper? That might have solved your problems easily enough...

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