I fixed It!

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Last seen: 18 years 5 months ago
Joined: Oct 8 2006 - 20:28
Posts: 8
I fixed It!

I finally fixed my Apple II! The problem was that 74LS161 had an bent pin, so I got some IC extractors, pulled It out, and found that I could not fix the pin. I didn't go that far for nothing! I got one of my Bell & Howells that I was going to sell (I have three of those) and removed that chip from that computer and replaced It in my apple II. After that delicate procedure, I powered It on, and It finally made the beep noise that I had been waiting to hear for so long. So now It works. Hallelujah!
As soon as I can I will get some pictures of It working.
But I'm happy. (: