Looking for a rare software title from long ago....

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Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
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Looking for a rare software title from long ago....

Hi All! I am looking for a ware called ' The Jerks Favorites ' or ' The Jerk's Favorite Copy Programs ' , the reason for this is because I am trying to preserve as much software from long ago as possible. Before these disk turn into dust and are gone forever. If any one has this , can you please let me now... I am trying to do just what asimov's site has done , preserving software from long ago.... NO its not a WAREZ issue , but rather to preserve these titles...

Thanks for reading...


Last seen: 11 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: Dec 13 2005 - 08:40
Posts: 265
Re: RE All Apple

I think I may have it. Did not seem the special. I mean it just had a few copy programs that other disk have. Others seems more important than that one. Like Dasboot, double Dos, Beautiful boot and many, many others. II am also trying to doing the same thing.
But life's problems seems to be getting in the way. How are you trying to presrve them?
Me, I am trying to back them them up 3 diferent ways. and on different media.
That is, disk image, shrink-it, Dos 3.3 imgae to be ued on a really IIgs HD. From the different formatts I am copying them on to different media. That is Zip 100meg carts, 270 syquest, 135 ez, CDs. Have not done it all.

Take Care

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