i'm glad to say i just successfully fixed the sound card in my wallstreet to hold its connection on its own without the need for a 9v battery shoved under the connector to keep power going. my only suggestions are to use powerbookfixit due to good instructions, make sure you remove every screw there is, and don't mess with the ebm levers when the case is open. i only say that due to almost damaging my motherboard with a lingering screw on the processor cage, and the lever for my left bay now works improperly.
now, with those suggestions, i have a question to ask anyone who did the same repair. my sound card is now solid, but i can still move the power connector some. i'm assuming i probably just have to squeeze the ring down to a smaller diameter?
You soldered the power connections on the back of the socket, on the pcb, right? Well, the defect in the design on the AC board is that the band that passes through the pcb is supposed to be soldered on the backside too, to hold the socket down tight. This is a critical repair, because without fixing it, you will see the same wiggle you are describing, and that will eventually break your solder points again. I've done this job tons of times, it's a piece of cake. Just look for the two tabs on the backside of the pcb under the socket that don't have enough solder on them. Flow enough solder onto the tabs to tighten the band, and you'll have no more wiggle problems.
the gound points (if that's what you're talking about) were repaired. those seemed to be loose plus just one of the actual copper joints as far as i could tell. i'm more concerned about fixing the ebm lever at this point, even though i'm glad it was the left bay which i only keep the battery in, and therefore it won't have to eject much.