Crikey! Croc Hunter stabbed in the heart by a stingray...

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Crikey! Croc Hunter stabbed in the heart by a stingray...

Steve was killed during a filming expedition on the Great Barrier Reef. While we are still collecting specific details, it was a rare accident in which Steve swam over a stingray and was stung by its barb in his chest. A doctor on board Croc One, Steve's research vessel, was unable to resuscitate Steve and by the time he was reached by the rescue helicopter he had passed away.

Full Story

He'll be missed, but I can't say I'm the least bit surprised. At least he went doing what he loved to do. Sad

coius's picture
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he was quite the adventurous one

but remember, everything catches up to you eventually.
I feel really bad for his family. It will be especially hard on his kids, which is what i feel most sadenned about. They will grow up without a father now, and that is something every kid needs. A dad...

ex-parrot's picture
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He was a bit of a legend arou

He was a bit of a legend around here... I think possibly more-so than anywhere else. Myself and my friends were quite shocked at the news being that we all grew up watching "The Crocodile Hunter" on TV every night.

astro_rob's picture
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A Stingray Of All Things

Very rarely does someone die from a stingray. I was expecting him to be done in by a croc. I was a fan.
Back in early 2000, they actually filmed a segment here in south Florida right off of the Turnpike. He captured a softshelled turtle in a retention pond near Jupiter, and I happened to be driving by at that time. Sadly, I didn't realize who it was.
He will be missed. Jeff Corwin, buddy, it's up to you now...

iantm's picture
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Steve Irwin will be missed. I

Steve Irwin will be missed. I grew up watching his show, finding his enthusiasm somehow contagious and wonderful. To have that much enthusiasm for life and one's work is just a wonderful wonderful thing. As sad as it may sound, I've strived for that level of enthusiasm with my career. (unfortunately it didn't work in a call center)

Speaking of call center, during my tour of duty at AOL, I'd sometimes get bored and talk with an accent for the fun of it. One day I did my best impression of what it would be like to have Steve Irwin working tech support. Often, when informed that a customer had one of the older Westell DSL modems (circa 2001/2002), I'd retort "Crikey, we've got a big one". Oh, how that always brought out the laughs.

Steve Irwin, while I have no intentions of ever playing with dangerous animals, I will forever remember your enthusiasm and strive to live life with a similar level of enthusiasm.

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ever since i saw him on tv th

ever since i saw him on tv the first time ive gotten a kick out of the accent he has, and to me, he will be missed. RIP Croc Hunter!

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The local rock radio morning

The local rock radio morning show always does parody songs for big events. Gregg, the One-man-band of the show did a take of Bon Jovi - Shot Through the Heart for this one. It's sad that he's passed, but we all thought it would probably end up with something happening with a critter.

Stung through the heart,
Now he's passed away.
That's why they call 'em - stingrays.

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