I've got somewhat of a problem with the audio on my sawtooth running 10.4.7. Sometimes the balance gets moved to the left a little bit, and other times it gets moved to the right... without me moving it. Is there a key combination I'm accidentally hitting or is some setting wrong somewhere?
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its the jack or the plug... 1/8" stereo jacks & plugs are notorious for "bleeding" from stereo to mono, or from left to right. I used to love 1/8" stereo jacks, until I understood why they totally suck (unbalanced & not enough surface area).
My g4 powerbook used to do this in 10.3, sometimes after starting up the balance would be moved all the way to the left, never figured it out, it cleared up after upgrading.
Hard drive>Applications>Utilities>Disk Utility
Usually my first step in fixing "general squirrelliness"
I'll give the repairing permissions a shot and see what happens.
this happened to me a couple of days ago on my pismo w/ 10.4.7. it never happened before. all i did was repair permissions, and it seems to fix it.
yeah happend to me a few times on my 1.58GHz Mac Mini... Repair Permissions fixed :thumbup:
its just the jack, has nothing to do with sw. To prove this, wiggle the cable a bit, and you'll hear.
Is it a problem with the jack even if the preferences shows the balance slider moved?
Your computer is haunted.
lol... my thought too. The slider has moved even though I don't touch it.
Submitted by catmistake on August 24, 2006 - 2:46am.
its just the jack, has nothing to do with sw. To prove this, wiggle the cable a bit, and you'll hear.
umm... are you really that much of an idiot? you know that his cable isnt plugged in by not even being there? And that must have been my problem as well when the OS went wonky and adjusted the balance control in SOFTWARE on its own and it was fixed by putting it where it belongs on the slider and repairing permissions? It MUST HAVE BEEN MAGIC EACH TIME I FIXED THIS THEN!!!!! Because i NEVER TOUCHED the audio jack.
yes, the plug CAN come out, but from what the O.P. stated... this is VERY LIKELY NOT THE CASE.
troll somewhere else.
looks to me like he was trying to see if that was the problem ( AKA sudjestion ). i know it wasn't cause the jack cant move the SOFTWARE slider.
easy on the flame-age. this ain't the alt.binaries.sasquatch.sultry
newsgroup. I didn't think applefritter could even have trolls, much less one being catmistake.
ditto (removed)
...at least temporarily.
Evilrobot, your response was unwarranted and immature.
Catmistake, better to respond by PM or by tipping off a mod.
The original poster can restart the thread if they really need to.
Catmistake, I've edited your post. Unlike most other forums, we don't implement a swear filter on Applefritter, so it's not necessary to circumvent it. We tend to hope that most of our posters are able to follow the AUP without needing a filter to keep them in check.
Also, if everybody could remember that it's perfectly ok to attack another users opinion ("I think you're wrong because...") but it's not ok to attack the other user ("You're a troll").