farewell macdomain...

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iamdigitalman's picture
Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
Joined: Mar 1 2004 - 22:18
Posts: 629
farewell macdomain...

I was browsing through my bookmarks, and I came across the 'ol macdomain, a site which has helped me, and has been a general place of enjoyment, just like applefritter. I clicked on it, and was presented with this message:

Mac Domain is no more. It has been fun working with everyone and I hope you all continue to enjoy your vintage Macs and even Mac emulators, yes they were okay with us too. Email or AIM me if you would like any last software, you may contact me on AIM under the screen name, zathey or at my personal email address, zathey@gmail.com. There was many things that I never had a chance to finish, including a video gallery. I would say that my Apple video collection is as complete as anyone's, including keynotes. I also had a movie and podcast in the works, although I do not think I will continue the podcast, if you would like the Apple movie showing video clips throughout Apple's history, contact me, it is over two hours long of commercials, keynotes and random Apple related videos. I may still put up something here in the future. Have fun. Happy Mac.


If something new is going up here, you will see it by the end of the week.

truely sad. I hope it will come back eventually, but I doubt it. looks like the guy has moved on. besides, it was a very small comunity, less than 150 people.

looking through the google cashe, it's dated June 30th. no mention of it's impending doom, so no help there.

well, so long. you were a great friend, but all good things must come to an end.

the site in it's current state.
google cashe

-digital Wink

whatthehellswithwindows's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
Joined: Feb 27 2006 - 04:10
Posts: 67
THe site is not dead

Macdomain is not dead; Its moved on. http://abwnet.org . It merged with WinWorld (but they are separate, only the forums are conjoined). Kirk athey is no longer part of macdomain staff, and is a trouble maker. Eventhough he has that domain, http://macdomain.abwnet.org is the treu macdomain. all admins and constant useres have moved already to the new one. ANd All d/ls work now too, so Blum 3

iamdigitalman's picture
Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
Joined: Mar 1 2004 - 22:18
Posts: 629
yeah, figured it out. but I a

yeah, figured it out. but I am curious: how did everything happen so fast? did they know of the coming sabotage and move everything to the new server just in case?

interesting going ons as of late. mergers, closings and such.

-digital Wink

Oelmuvun's picture
Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: Nov 27 2005 - 06:57
Posts: 62
Re: yeah, figured it out. but I a

yeah, figured it out. but I am curious: how did everything happen so fast? did they know of the coming sabotage and move everything to the new server just in case?

Wink The good members of the MacDomain staff know many things.
And just so you know, the rouge admin only owned the domain name and not the server all the files were on.

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