Yikes G4 firmware update?

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cwsmith's picture
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Yikes G4 firmware update?

I just bought 4 sticks of 256MB PC133 SDRAM for my Yikes G4. 2 sticks show up as the full 256MB each, the other two (although labeled 256) show up as 128MB each. I didn't think the Yikes had the same problem with high-density RAM as did the slot-load iMacs and Beige G3s. After all, the Yikes supports 1.5GB RAM -- that would be 2 sticks of 512MB and 2 sticks of 256MB -- and I've never seen a low-density 512.

This would lead me to speculate that there must be a firmware update for the Yikes G4 that might address this problem. I've been all over Apple's site, and although I've found firmware updates for Sawtooth, Quicksilver and MDD G4s, none of these work on the Yikes (a dialog comes up and tells me so).

Are any of you aware of a firmware update for the Yikes G4, and where I might download said update?

Any and all help appreciated.


iamdigitalman's picture
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sorry, no firmware update for

sorry, no firmware update for the yikes. And according to mactracker, the yikes only supports 1.0gb, or 4x256mb sticks.

and I do believe that the sticks do need to be low density. my B&W G3 (which is what yours is essentailly, sans ADB port, and add G4 ZIf chip and graphite coloured case.) had a problem with a hi density 256mb chip, with all chips on one side. when I got this machine from iantm, he said it had 256+64mb in it. however, the 256mb chip was only registering the first 128mb on it, even under ubuntu. so, when I eventually traced the problem to the machine, and not bad ram, i threw 512mb in it (4x128mb), which were sitting in my parts bin, and I am happy for now. so, what you need is 2 more 256mb chips with chips on both sides, and you will be rocking with a gig of ram. sorry, no 1.5gb of ram for you.

hope this helps. -digital Wink

Krest's picture
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I think there is no Update f

I think there is no Update für the Yikes. I have mine since it initially shipped, Oct. '99 and i don't remember ever installing an update.

Eudimorphodon's picture
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Re: Yikes G4 firmware update?

I just bought 4 sticks of 256MB PC133 SDRAM for my Yikes G4. 2 sticks show up as the full 256MB each, the other two (although labeled 256) show up as 128MB each. I didn't think the Yikes had the same problem with high-density RAM as did the slot-load iMacs and Beige G3s. After all, the Yikes supports 1.5GB RAM -- that would be 2 sticks of 512MB and 2 sticks of 256MB -- and I've never seen a low-density 512.

Where did you get the 1.5GB figure? That sounds like the number for the Sawteeth with 3 RAM sockets.

Anyway, the MPC106, aka "Grackle" memory controller in the "Yikes!" is the same as that in the B&W G3 (which has the same motherboard) and the Beige G3, so all memory limitations of those apply to it. Including a *hard* 1GB RAM ceiling. (That is all the controller supports. Period. You can look it up in the Motorola documentaion or Apple technotes.)


cwsmith's picture
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Re: Yikes G4 firmware update?

Where did you get the 1.5GB figure? That sounds like the number for the Sawteeth with 3 RAM sockets.

From EveryMac.com:

Apparently, although the four slots will physically "hold" 2.0 GB total (4x 512MB), the system will only "see" 1.5GB (1536MB). This would mean that the system would max out at 2x 512MB plus 2x 256MB.

Again, correct me if I'm wrong (it's been known to happen), but I've never seen a low-density 512MB. So the Yikes should see high-density chips, right?

Again, thanks for any and all help.


Eudimorphodon's picture
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Re: Yikes G4 firmware update?

Where did you get the 1.5GB figure? That sounds like the number for the Sawteeth with 3 RAM sockets.

From EveryMac.com:

There's your problem. That page is stupid. Note the idiocy of the opening sentence:

he Apple Power Macintosh G4/400, based on the Yikes! architecture (Sawtooth after December 2, 1999 1.), features a 400 MHz PowerPC ...

All the specs on the page refer to the Sawtooth version. Note how "Exp. Slots" includes "AGP".

Like it or not you have to accept that what you have is a B&W G3 with a factory G4 "upgrade". All the limitations which apply to the B&W G3 apply to it, period. 1GB memory ceiling, 256MB DIMMs.


cwsmith's picture
Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
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Okee dokee.

Looks like I'll have to contact the guy I bought the chips from and see whether he'd be willing to swap for some low-density chips.

[only slightly off-topic]
Anybody know a more reliable Mac spec site than EveryMac.com? Sure would be nice to get the right parts the first time, next time.
[/only slightly off-topic]

[grumbles to self and struggles to run Digital Performer 3.12 on only 768MB RAM]

Jon's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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Some one posted [url=http://w

Some one posted just this question at ubuntuforums.org and my reply included a link to the actual Apple TechNote that explains the kind of memory the G4 (PCI graphics) takes. My reply has a bit mroe info on the actual setup of modules you need to use to get 256MB per DIMM, ie 16 x 128Mbit DRAM chips, setup as 8 per side of the DIMM.

Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
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Re: Okee dokee.

Anybody know a more reliable Mac spec site than EveryMac.com? Sure would be nice to get the right parts the first time, next time.

WWW.lowendmac.com ive seen to be pretty good.....

iamdigitalman's picture
Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
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www.lowendmac.com, www.apple-

www.lowendmac.com, www.apple-history.com, or go to www.mactracker.ca and download the app. there all good, cept everymac. I submitted an addition to one of thier Q/A things a while back, and it's still the same. they suck. and if you wanted answers to both your questions, look at my original post. this topic didnt need to get this long...

-digital Wink

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