I've recently breathed new life into a Yikes! G4 tower, and now I'd like to pretty it up a bit.
I'm not interested in modding or hacking the G4. I'd just like to know what you folks thing is the safest way to remove stickers and scuff marks from the surface. I thought about Armor All, but I was afraid that might harm the finish more than help it. Same with Goo Gone.
So what do AppleFritterians recommend?
Goo Gone will be fine. Don't use it on car paint, but just to get stickers off of a computer case, it's fine. 409 works well for general cleaning.
Goo Gone has been a godsend for me. I've lost count of the number of cases and monitors I've cleaned with it.
And it smells nice. Works on stickers, grease pencil and ink, though pen ink often requires a lot of scrubbing.
My cleaning method is to apply just enough Goo Gone to stickers so it doesn't drip away. A second application is sometimes needed. If it's really bad, I'll score or pry up as much of the sticker as I can with a chiseled popsicle stick.
Once all sticker residue is gone, I go over the case with Windex on a cloth to remove the Goo Gone oils.
Why not car paint? I've used it several times with no visible harm...
90% or other sort of high concentration rubbing alcohol...its great for cleaning just about anything, just keep it away from stuff that burns, and dont use it on painted stuff. This stuff can also help get sharpie off plastics.
Because it can break down the clearcoat. IIRC, it even says right on the bottle it's not safe for automotive finishes.
I see. Well, the clearcoat on my car is probably gone, anyway
Cleaning Computer Components
Cheers, Tom
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