FOR SALE: 3 1/2" system disks for the apple lisa, or mac xl

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Posts: 404
FOR SALE: 3 1/2" system disks for the apple lisa, or mac xl

I've got a few disks to go with a lisa
-2 macworks Xl system disks
-4 disks that say Macworks xl on them
-A mac works Plus install disk
-A lisalist disk
-A lisa office system 1 disk
-A macworks plus update 1.0.1
-a Sun Rem branded HFS Hard Disk Startup for lisa and Macintosh Xl
-An office system 1 disk Release 2.0
-A sun rem HFS hard disk instal disk for use on Lisa and Mac xl
-3 macworks plus boot disk
-2 sun rem Lisa Office System Disk 1 modified,
-2 office systen III disk
-1 Lisa graph disk
-1 Lisa Macworks In store Demo disk.
-1 MacWorks System Disk, Store Demo.

Make an offer. I think they all work.