I'm working on my second pictureframe, but I ran into a small problem. Are the top and bottom slots of the powerbook 5300cs different? I have a PCMCIA ethernet card and a CF adapter. But each of them will only work in the top slot. If either is in the lower slot upon startup, it hangs at the Mac OS 9 screen, if I put it in the lower slot once started up, I can't move the mouse and nothing happens until I pull the card back out. I was hoping to use the CF card as a HD and still be connected to the ethernet, will this not be possible now?
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I believe that one is Type I and one is Type II, but without looking it up I can't remember which is which.
The only difference between Type I, Type II, and Type III is the physical size. If the bottom slot isn't working with cards, you've probably got a hardware/electrical problem with the slot.
Are any of the pins bent?