It uses "System 7.6.1".
Would "MSN Instant Messenger" work with that & if so, what version?
Where could I get that version?
Thanks In Advance!
It uses "System 7.6.1".
Would "MSN Instant Messenger" work with that & if so, what version?
Where could I get that version?
Thanks In Advance!
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Well, I highly suggest IRC. There is no AIM, MSN, or Yahoo for OS 7 iirc.
There are a few MSN in browser hosts... Do a google search.
i used aim back in the day on my 7.5.1, im sure there is a copy out there somewhere....
Oh, well I was reffering to AIM 4.7 (or whatever they have for macs these days)
What I really need is the version of "MSN Instant Messenger" that works "System 7.6.1" & a 68LC040 CPU and's compatible with the "XP" edition of "MSN Instant Messenger".
The reason is everyone I talk with has an "XP" computer & uses "MSN Instant Messenger" & rather than ask all of them to switch, I'll switch since that'd be more practical.
Thank You In Advance!

i think youll be hard pressed to find one unfortunately.
Looks like these folks ( had a 68k version of their product, but the download link isn't working for me. Maybe you could contact the developer? He's likely to keep archives of his older software.
BDub -- I cannot begin to thank you enough for the tip !!!!
Unfortunately, the downloads didn't work for me, either lol
So I contacted the guy as per your advice
& am waiting for a response.
In the meantime ....
Does anyone here have "MacMessenger v1.3" by any chance?
Thank You In Advance!

It seem the project has a new page:
There is a SourceForge project too:
I just went to "ChannelWood" & asked if anyone had
"MacMessenger v1.3" on the bulletinboard.
Thanks again, Jon!

I wrote to the genius that created "MacMessenger v1.3" yesterday asking where I could get a copy.
I just got this reply from 'im literally 30 seconds ago ....
I am the creator of Mac Messenger.
I regret to inform you that Mac Messenger 1.3 will not work,
because it isn't compatible anymore with the MSN network.
In other words, it runs, but it cannot connect to MSN.
Unfortunately, the newer versions of Mac Messenger require a PowerPC processor
because a significant part of the connection (SSL) is too complicated to handle by your68LC040 processor.
SSL is really required to connect to the MSNNetwork (because of security issues).
However, the latest versions of Mac Messenger (3.x) will run on a Powerbook 5300
(the "slowest" PowerPC PowerBook), so if you have one of those, you might be able to chat with MSN people.
Have a nice day,
Jef Geskens
Well -- at least I tried ....

a few companys used to make PowerPC upgrades for the pb 540c, and 520.
iirc, a few company's used to make PowerPC upgrades for the powerbook 540c. I think all the way up to 187mhz.
Thanks for the suggestion, Funnyman -- but I don't wanna upgrade ! lol
The whole idea was the coolness of being able ta use "MSN Instant Messenger" with others using the "XP" version on my APPLE "PowerBook 540c" computer.
But thanks again for the suggestion!