How Much is it worth, and is it complete?

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How Much is it worth, and is it complete?

ok, I was digging through my mac pile, and I found the old picasso starter kit that i bought off ebay for $25 a while back, to go with my mac Plus. I want to know, is it complete? here is what I have:

-Power Cord Carton
-Power cord (apple logo embossed)
-programmer/reset switch ( also have one in the machine already).
-Cassette tape in the case. side one has the guided mac tour, and side two has macwrite/macpaint tours. I think this came with the original mac.
-Mac Plus Users manual, which looks brand new.
-original mac brochure, with the checklist of missing parts unmarked.
-2 blank disk labels with backings, both blank, and white (not yellowed).
-Macworld issue offer sheet, unmarked, and unpreforated.
-Mac Plus Upgrade guide (the one that tells you they replaced the mobo and roms and added a 800k floppy). that goes nicely, as the one I have is an upgraded original/512k. (the apple logo is in the corner, and it doesnt say Mac Plus on the front).
-Macintosh Plus System tools disk, with plastic wrap.

so, am I missing anything? if so, what? and how much would I get if I sold it with the upgraded plus?

no, I am not willing to sell it now, it is part of my collection, but what do you say th value of something like this is?

oh, both the tape and the disk both work. I have so far had good luck with magnetic media being sent through the mail unharmed. I bought a box of floppyware from one guy one here a while back, and I think of the 200+ floppy disks, only 1 or two were corrupt, but recoverable.

-digital Wink

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Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 211
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