Abstract for CircumNavigator 1.0 (gui/circumnavigator-10.hqx)

CircumNavigator is a Mac OS control panel that turns old-fashioned Standard
File dialogs into modern Navigation Services dialogs.

Maybe you've seen these newer file dialogs in modern applications, such as
Microsoft Outlook Express, and wondered why you can't have them in other
applications. With CircumNavigator, you can.

File navigation using Navigation Services has many advantages over Standard
- Navigation Services dialogs are movable and resizeable, and they remember
where you last put them.
- You can hide an application, or switch to another application, while it is
showing a Navigation Services dialog.
- Navigation Services remembers the last item you visited in each folder,
and keeps lists of favorite and recent items.
- You can drag a file or folder icon and drop it onto a Navigation Services
dialog to navigate directly to the file or folder.
- Navigation Services dialogs look and feel just like the Finder, using the
same icons and appearance settings.
- ...and many more.

Once you're used to CircumNavigator and Navigation Services, you won't stand
going back to Standard File!

CircumNavigator requires System 7.5.5, Mac OS 7.6.1 or later; Appearance
1.0.1 or later; Navigation Services 1.0 or later. Supports PowerPC and 68K;
accelerated for PowerPC.

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Path: /www/exparrot/files.tidbits.com/info-mac/gui/circum-navigator.hqx

File circum-navigator.hqx597.93 KB